Wednesday, September 30, 2015


FLEA & TICK REMEDY heart emoticon
8 oz apple cider vinegar
4 oz warm water
1/2 tsp salt
1/2 tsp baking soda
Spray Bottle

Mix dry ingredients first, then slowly add to wet as the vinegar and baking soda will react slightly. Put into spray bottle and spray pets down. Be careful not to get in pets eyes!
★★★When fleas infest your home, they can get everywhere; in fact, any place your dog or cat frequents, fleas will be present. Carpets, rugs and upholstered furniture are especially vulnerable to infestation. Adult fleas jump from animals to these surfaces and lay eggs. These eggs hatch as larvae that can get caught in carpet fibers, creating an on-going problem.
Vacuuming and steam cleaning carpets and rugs will help, but there are natural treatments that can be even more effective. One of these treatments is safe and uses a common everyday substance – salt. Yes, you can get rid of fleas with salt! The salt acts as a dehydration agent and dries out the bodies of the fleas.
How to kill fleas using salt: Obtain some highly refined household salt or sea salt. Make sure it is as finely ground as possible, almost to a powder consistency. Sprinkle it lightly but evenly over your carpet. Brush or rake it in. Leave this in your carpet for 12 to 48 hours, then vacuum thoroughly.
Salt can attract moisture, so do not leave it in for very long in very hot or humid conditions. This should kill all the fleas and ticks in your home and on your pets.
Eat that salt, flea! Die Flea Die!! (Manic laughter)


  1. I was thinking of trying this...but im concerned that it will dry my dog out very maybe on the carpets and rugs?? Has anyone else yried this yet??

  2. We tried the spray on our Catahoula's painted coat; we soaked him, towel dried and it's been about 17 hours now and his fur is as it normally is.

  3. Is this only good to use on pets or could people spray their pant legs and shoes to keep ticks away?
