3 C. Water
1 Tbsp. Salt
1 tsp. MSG
2 tsp. Onion Powder
2 pkg. DRY Instant Chicken Broth (Do Not Use Canned)
2 tsp. Seasoned Salt
1 tsp. fines herbs
1/2 tsp. Black Pepper
1 C. Flour
1. Cover chicken with mixture of water and salt. Chill in bowl for least 1 hour.
2. Combine herbs, onion powder, seasoned salt, instant chicken broth, and pepper in a blender and mix well. Place this mixture in a bowl. Add the flour to this bowl. Mix flour and seasonings well.
3. Remove chicken from water, and dip it into the flour mixture coat well. Place coated pieces on a plate for 5 minutes.
4. Melt enough shortening or salad oil to make 1 inch depth in a large skillet. Heat to 375 degrees. Fry chicken pieces turning once, every 5 minutes, be sure to cook chicken until done. Lift chicken out and drain on paper towels. You can keep the chicken warm in the oven by placing it in the oven, and serve when all pieces are finished cooking.
MSG stands for Monosodium Glutamate. It is a spice, found in your grocery store. It can be sold as MSG or under the brand name “Accent”. Some people are extremely allergic to MSG, over 98% of the population is not. It serves to make flavors stronger, and almost pop right out at you.
Fines herbs used to be used more frequently many years ago. Fines herbs was a poultry seasoning. Since so many people have difficultly in obtaining the herb, it has been removed from the recipe. If you can access Fines herbs add 2 teaspoons to the flour mixture.
Fines Herbs refers to a blend of herbs traditionally used in French cooking. While there is no exact recipe for fines herbes, it usually includes parsley, tarragon, chives and chervil. Marjoram is occasionally included in fines herbes as well.
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