Skinny Pumpkin Cream Cheese Bars
• 1 box angel food cake mix- the 1 step kind
• 1 15oz can Pumpkin
• 3/4 Cup water
• 1/2 teaspoon cinnamon
• 1 8oz pkg. reduced fat cream cheese
• -few tablespoons of water, to be mixed with cream cheese
I let the cream cheese soften on the counter for a while then I added
it to my stand mixer & beat it with a couple of tablespoons of water
until smooth. I just wanted it to thin out a little bit.
In a separate bowl, mix the cake mix, pumpkin, water, & cinnamon together until it is smooth & well mixed.
In a 9x13 pyrex dish- sprayed with PAM- add HALF of the cake –pumpkin
mix. Then smooth it out with a rubber spatula. Drizzle half of the cream
cheese over the top of it and take a small spatula to smooth it over
the top. Add remaining cake-pumpkin mix & also the remaining cream
cheese just making layers. Finally take a butter knife- stick it into
the mix and go back & forth over the top of the cake making figure
“8’s” - to blend it a bit.
Bake for 35 minutes at 375 degrees OR until a toothpick comes out clean.
I am always in search of healthy alternatives to recipes to share with a
group I’m part of, I'm Getting Skinny and I Know It! If you are looking
for help losing weight, come join our group
Saturday, August 3, 2013
- In: ALL, Party, Pot Luck, Sweets
- Posted By: Mizzle
- Comments: No comments
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